Pkk'nın Üstlendiği Eylemler

Mit, Jitem, Devlet değil; VAHŞİ, IRKÇI, FAŞİST PKK!!!

Acikyol Massacre (6 children were among those who were killed)

7th of March 1987 the fascist Kurdish terrorist organisation PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) killed 8 people including 6 children in Acikyol village located in Nusaybin district of Mardin. The villagers were lined up and executed.

acıkyol katliamı1

Above is the image cut out of the newspaper ‘Serxwebun’ who is also the media wing of PKK clearly admitting to their violence by calling it a ‘punishment’. (Published in Turkish)


açıkyol katliamı

Above is the image of those who were murdered.


Those who lost their lives:
Cumhur Tunç (54)
Şerife Tunç (47)
Selma Tunç (12)
Serini Tunç (10)
Süleyman Ayık (13)
Metin Ayık ( 8)
Bedirhan Erdem (17)
Selim Ayık (10)

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