Basbaglar Massacre

On 5 July 1993, fascist Kurdish terror organization PKK slaughtered 33 people in Erzincan/Kemaliye Basbaglar Village and burnt the village.
They killed 28 people gathering them on the Village square by firing squad and the remains by burning them alive in their houses.
After they slaughtered all of the civilian villagers, they left some papers which “We revenged on Sivas” was written on. 33 dead, 30 widow women, about 70 orphan children and debris of the burnt houses were left behind.
Papers which was written that Pkk did this attack to revenge on Sivas Madımak Hotel Massacre which was done by bigot people who are defender of sharia on were saying: People who were killed in Madımak Hotel were Alevi Kurdish and to reveng on it, Sunni Turkish people were killed in Basbaglar by PKK.
The aim of this planned attack was obvious and was that starting a conflict between Alevi and Sunni people in Erzincan and Sivas and spreading this conflict to the dentriment of Turkey to open field to themselves and expand their support.
They were planning to take support of Alevi people but these attemtps were without success. Locals showed bad reaction to their attemtps. They realized that they wouldn’t be able to have people kill each other and they tried to not undertake this massacre and blamed the Turkish state about it. After that, Abdullah Ocalan-Leader of PKK- said “this massacre was done out of my order and knowledge” like he did after every attack that they couldn’t take reaction they want and blamed Dr. Baran for this massacre.
In the speacial issue of 95-97 years of Serxwebun, we can see the letter below which was written to Ercan’s mother by one responsible person of teror organisation after being killed of Ercan Sönmez-Code Name: Kazım- by his own organisation: “Party never blame anyone because of that attack. Futhermore, the attack had been undertaken”
At the evening of 5 july 1993, Pkk terorists who were about 60 people surrounded the village from three sides. At about 20.00, men of the village were preparing to go to mosque to pray. At that moment, 20 of terrorists kept the enterance of the village and cut phone cables to prevent calling help. Rest of the terrorists group got into the village. Imam of Mosque had just started to recite the azan, he felt terrorist’s gun pointing to his head and terrorists got him outside. Terrorist were spreaded all around the village and gathered all of the men on the hill near village. They also gathered all of the women in a creek other side of village. They said “We will just make a speech” to prevent resistance. Some of these terrorists were waiting inside the village with some burning stuff in their hands. Task of this group was burning the houses and mosque after massacre.
Men of village were killed by firing squad. Firstly, they made a speech supporting PKK and then killed them. 28 people were slaughtered barbarously over there. After that, terrorists who were inside the village burnt all of the houses. 5 people were killed in burning house. 69 houses, the mosque and 4 cars were burnt in the village. Women which gathered other side of the village gave their jewellery to save the men, however they weren’t able to prevent this massacre.
WITNESS OF THE MASSACRE TELLS: “They thought that I’m dead and left me”
Mukhtar Ali Akarpinar, who was shot and left behind being thought he is dead, told what he lived that day in Turkiye Newspaper:
It was a day of july like today. Basbaglar woke up happy to day. Our relatives had come from abroad. They had sent us even a Minibus from Germany, eventually our village would had its own car. At that time Basbaglar was vibrant. Crops were ready to harvest. We were in the mosque for Evening Pray. Terrorists come with guns in their hands, they were very young. They had taken us to upside of the village. To be honest, they hadn’t pushed or forced us. They had made propaganda for about 30-45 minutes. Actually, they had detained us while the others had been looting our homes. When we had seen spreading smoke from village, we had realized that they had burnt our houses. Our houses were made of wood and attached. There were barns under the houses, I can’t express how bad smell it was. I can still hear scream of animals in my ears. We had counted about 40 terrorists, however according to intelligence they were about 100. Suddenly fire order had been given, first bullet had got into my chest and had left my body from my armpit. I had fallen on ground and fainted. I guess they had thought that I’m dead. For a moment I had opened my eyes and had seen the burning village. Kamil Akpinar were laying near me. He had said that he was extremely thirsty, I wasn’t able to move to find some water to him. He couldn’t stay alive unfortunately. Baspinar district was 30 km away from us. There was a Police station over there. Yukarı Mutlu village was really close to us, they may have called the police and other authorized people. 565 sheel casing had been collected in scene. That means they had spent at least 20 magazines of bullet. Five neighbours of us had been killed in their houses by burning.
Names of the people who slauhgtered wildly in Basbaglar Massacre(Numbers are their ages):