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English Pkk Massacres

Savur Massacre

  • Haziran 4, 2016
  • 3 min read
Savur Massacre

PKK attacked to Ormancık and Akyürek villages of Savur province in Mardin with RPGs and gas bombs and killed 21 people including 11 children on 21 January 1994.

PKK assumed the responsibiltiy of attacks and published a declaration related to the attacks in January 94 edition of its Serxwebun magazine. The declaration:

savur massacre
“Menda and Eskılan (Kurdish names of those villages) ranger villages located around Benedura area of Savur province were raided by guerillas. A lot of gangsters / bandits (Rangers and their families called gangsters or bandts by PKK) killed of wounded.”

Savur Katliamı
24.01.1994, Milliyet newspaper, headline

THESE CHILDREN were other “GANGSTERS” killed by PKK on that attack.


Savur katliamı
Bilal DÜZGÜN was 12 years old when he died in that attack. Doctors was said that he had been killed with a kind of chemical gas. – 23.01.1994, Milliyet newspaper headline

Two seperate PKK group attacked the Ormancık and Akyürek villages simultaneously on 21 January 1994 around 8 PM. Rangers were responded quickly and clashes lasted until early morning hours and Rangers lost 4 of their friends during confrontation.

Savur katliamı
A Ranger family after the attack. They were crying for their daughter who was killed by PKK.

Rangers sent their wives and children to safehouses in the villages when PKK terrorists atacked but later PKK terrorists targeted those safehouses and opened fire with automatic rifles, RPGs and later on gas bombs and grenades. During attacks to the safehouses 15 women and children died and 8 were heavily wounded. Wounded women and children were taken to the Mardin Public Hospital but a child, Bilal Düzgün (12) died on the way to hospital.

Victims of these bloody attacks:

⦁ Hüsnü DÜZGÜN – M (80 Years old)
⦁ Hanım DÜZGÜN – F (75 Years old)
⦁ Resul FİDAN – M (66 Years old)
⦁ Zeynep DÜZGÜN – F (40 Years old)
⦁ İsmail AYKAL – M (40 Years old)
⦁ Sevi AYKAL – F (35 Years old)
⦁ Mehmet Şirin DÜZGÜN – M (23 Years old)
⦁ Sabiha DÜZGÜN – F (21 Years old)
⦁ Cemile DÜZGÜN – F (20 Years old)
⦁ Cemal DÜZGÜN – M (20 Years old)
⦁ Melekşah DÜZGÜN – M (18 Years old)
⦁ Seve DÜZGÜN – F (18 Years old )
⦁ Behiye FİDAN – F (18 Years old )
⦁ İmran DÜZGÜN – F (15 Years old)
⦁ Bilal DÜZGÜN – M (12 Years old)
⦁ Feride DÜZGÜN – F (10 Years old)
⦁ Hüseyin DÜZGÜN – M (7 Years old)
⦁ Fahri DÜZGÜN – M (7 Years old)
⦁ Dilber DÜZGÜN – F (4 Years old)
⦁ Hüseyin AYKAL
⦁ and an Unnamed Victim

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