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English Pkk Massacres

Tunceli Tavuk Village Massacre

  • Haziran 1, 2016
  • 3 min read
Tunceli Tavuk Village Massacre

In October 9, 1993, the TDKP (Turkish Revolutonist Communist Party) camp in Tunceli Hozat’s Tavuk (present name is Kardelen) Village was raided by Kurdish terrorist group PKK. 6 TDKP members were killed by the PKK fire and 2 were severely injured. Also 2 people were kidnapped by PKK.

PKK, who are also known by their interorganizational assasinations, declared that they won’t tolerate any left wing organizations beside themselves and called these organisations schemers through their media which is Serxwebun:

tunceli tavuk village massacre
Serxwebun, 1993 October, issue 142, page 3 Link: http://www.solyayin.com/serxwebun-142-101993.html

After the events TDKP announced the conflict in their Informatics Journal in October 13, 1993:

tdkp - pkk çatışması


Informatics Journal
Kurdish Revolution Commitee
13th October, 1993, Special Issues

We are strongly condemning the PKK ambush in Hozat Tavuk Village which concluded in 6 TDKP casualties and 2 severe injuries.

In October 9 Saturday Kurdish Revolutionary Communist leader Hasan Aldemir was being commemorated by our people and his comrades in his second anniversary of death. After the commemoration people disbanded in groups. One of the groups went to Tavuk Village. Armed propaganda group later stops in a near spot to Tavuk in order to eat and rest. Unaware of a disgraceful ambush, 6 hearts beating for our people’s revolution, socialism and upcoming days of freedom, shot dead by a rain of hundreds of bullets, 2 militias were also injured.

PKK who killed 6 and injured 2 militias of TDKP Kurdistan organisation left the area with the chants of happiness and pleasure of killing these people. They murdered Yusuf Aydar, Düzgün Çakmak, Hidayet Dumlu, İbrahim Diskaya and two other comrades whose identities are still unknown also injured 2 militias. This event is surely a disgraceful stain on our people’s history of revolution. All of the dead revolutionists were also wanted by Turkish Government and eluded their death squads many times with courage.

On the oher hand PKK has been punishing, threatening our people and collecting money from them by force while TDKP was condemning these acts which created a symphaty in our people towards our organization. PKK was clearly disturbed by this symphaty. These events led PKK to do these assasinations and this fact is clearly known by our people.

Villagers and citizens of Tunceli are impulsed by the fake scenarios of PKK where they declare people counter guerilla and kill them. The are destroying or declaring counter guerilla everyone that oppose to their ideas which leads to serious impulsions amongst our people against them.

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Pkk Eylemleri Arşivi

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